testing one two three



is it could it be?


August 21st, 2:35am in the morning:

I started laughing so hard today in church. I noticed something that I found very funny on the attendance list: “Faces needed for wet sponge throwing booth”. I had to hold back very hard to stop myself from laughing in the middle of Elders quorum and it didn’t help much. Because I showed my brother next to me and he noticed and thought it was funny as well. And whenever I hear someone else laugh it makes me laugh so we were building off of each other and I let out a few bursts of one shot laughs. I had quite a few people look in our direction. It was quite funny. I even heard a few laughs from the other brethren because I suppose they thought it was funny themselves to hear someone laughing and them not knowing what it was that was so funny.

Made with a Windows XP Sony Vaio Notebook.

I’m having issues! I want to go see my friend Cuteness in Illinois. But it turns out that after hours of research on a plane ticket I found out a couple things. One: my mother doesn’t want me to go. And two: I didn’t even have enough money to purchase the ticket!! That’s thanks to my going out and returning my beautiful MacBook PC for this even more beautiful Sony Vaio which is so much better and worth the money I spent over it. But it made me broke! Broke, broke, broke! I don’t like it. But I love the notebook. Even more so now that I am typing on it this very moment in MS Word. I’m really becoming acquainted with the keyboard, which I thought was a piece of crap at first, but it turns out that it is a joy to type with. Now I want to write a novel. I actually feel like I am at this very moment. I’m being very long-winded in this blog. It’s quite fun and partly because I want to type as much as possible.

On the way home from my hectically fun night of church and fun with web caming with friends over the internet. I still haven’t gotten around to testing out my phone-as-modem connection which is something I look forward to very much.

Last night, or last, last night, I talked to Cuteness until it was 5AM her time. Which is two hours later than it is here in Phoenix, Arizona. A beautiful hot state. Anyway, we fell asleep together. Or almost. And a couple funny… well more than a couple… comments were made. She said, after a very long silence of what I thought was her sleeping, (maybe it was, but it’s very difficult to tell the way she goes in and out of the dream state) “This is going to sound weird… *laughs*… but I really like sleeping with you.”
Which clearly seems to be true. Well it’s even true on my side. It’s just somehow enjoyable to fall asleep or to get sleepy with Cuteness. It’s comfortable and I think it has something to do with our special bond we’ve built over this year of friendship building. We have talked a LOT. Almost every single night. Not for an entire year. But, it was quite the majority of the year, indeed. So, we have this comfort of being sleepy with each other. Talking about subjects considered “deep” of thought.

I noticed that as we were talking this last night in a three-way call with Sweetness that she seemed to be hanging on. I was quite surprised because, well, in fact Sweetness seemed to be hanging on as well. I think they wanted to hear me say: “I bought the plane ticket!”. Sadly I was unable to once I realized that I probably didn’t have enough money. But, gratefully I have enough money to pay for my phone bill that is due today. It’s quite expensive and a little ridiculous. But, I love my phone and to me it’s worth every penny. I’m thinking about canceling my subscription to my PCS vision deal. I only watch one of the channels and only once in a while. And when I do, it eats up way too much battery juice.

It’s time for bed.

"It is a man's job to love the hell out of a woman. Not to love the hell in her." -Roy Masters

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