Happy Momorial Day!!|!

That girl came in the store again. I still have a crush on'er. She's totally cute! But I'm pretty sure she's not LDS... she smokes. But she's totally CUTE! So I have a huge whatchamacallit dellema on my mind. Durring the last week I saw her a couple times. And it so happens that everytime she comes into the store I get a goofed nervous system. This doesn't happen with ANY other girl. My hands start shaking slightly and they won't stop for about 10 minutes after she's gone. I'm thinking "Dude, what's wrong with me!" hah

But then I went to church last Sunday and at the first glimps of a random beautiful girl at church was just so calming and so positively... felt good, felt right. And it reasured me of my goals. And yet I see that girl again and again and the same effect comes upon me. Why? It's odd. It has to be partly because she reminds me of a friend from childhood. Am I repeating myself? heh

I went to a Momorial Day get together today. It was a lot of fun and I ALMOST didn't go. I was thinking about how important sleep was, but I just went anyway, I thought bottom line if I wanted to sleep some, I could do it there! But that wasn't the case, as always at singles activities, they're always enjoyable; Great people and fun things to do!
I'm going hiking with a girl I happen to be getting aquanted with recently through the singles ward activities and events this coming Saturday. It's gonna be fun because I LOVE to go hiking and I miss it. So yeah, I'm gonna have fun wether I'm pooped or not.

I also got the nerve up-ish to speak with a cute girl I like-ish. haha, I was wandering around the island-like designed backyard and just "happened" to come across her path. She spoke first - as always - "Hi *SumYuhnGai*!", and we chatted.
She's cool, and she too, reminds me of a couple friends from my childhood combined into one person, which is really cool. I think I'll suprise call her up sometime and just chat. Which reminds me that I was looking over a few different cell phones/companies today. I'm trying to find the best plan and deal for me. There are a couple more companies I want to check out before I choose one. It turned out that one of my friends at the party bought the phone I intend to buy. He was fairly new to it, but he said he really liked it - with what short time he's used it. Another man that came into the store I work at told me "It's cool, but it's not worth the price you pay for it." I'm kind of stuck between two phones, one is cheaper than the other but the other more expensive one is more functional. Although, just a little more functional.

Odds 'n ends. Remember the true heroes.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


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