I'm still thinking about visiting my friend in another state. It seems pretty obvious she likes me. I know she does, but I also know that she doesn't want to cloud her mind with thoughts of more than a friendship with an already very good friend.
She offered that once I go out to visit her we will have to go on an official date. Just because it'd be my first, unless I go on one before then, that is. So much for clouding thoughts of our friendship?
I took a "date survey" today in church. It was basic question about what we, as a stake, think of dating. Very simple questions and one of them was about would you be comfortible dating a friend. I put, "Sure, if she's up for it".

At work today I finally got around to some REAL manager work! It was quite fun. It's pretty fun and very interesting how the "manager" / "coworker" relation goes. It's also amazing how I have to remind my fellow employees about simple tasks and obvious things they know they should or should not be doing. Going on a tangent, I love my MacBook. It's so fun to type with. I knew it would be. The keyboard is actually part of the reason I wanted the MacBook over the Pro version.

I'm so tired. I can't imagine how Cuteness feels talking to me every night and staying up two hours later than I because of daylight savings time. It really is no wonder why she zonks out over the phone often. It's quite cute to hear her mumblings about random half dream thoughts about what she thought I said or talk about something that I have no clue what she means because she's responding to the "dream me".

I haven't listened to Roy Masters in a very long time. It's either talk to Cuteness or listen to him. I've chosen Cuteness.

It's raining outside right now. It's so wonderful. I LOVE rain. I love thunder and lightning and wind. It smells so fresh, so fantastic and clean.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©

Laundry post

So, I'm sitting here in a laundry mat with my muhthah. They have cable TV and the place smells nice and has all the ambience of a laundry mat. It's pretty nice. But it doesn't make a good place to start a conversation. My friend, Cuteness txt'd me while she had some time to spare at work - about three hours to spare. So I called her up and we were talking. I was very hungry so she did most of the talking. And by the way I bought a new MacBook laptop and it's fantastic to type with. Very beautiful gentle feel to the keyboard. Not to mention the battery life is very good as well.

The first night I had it I installed the program onto it - the main reason I bought it. And I ended up being highly disappointed, although it was expected since I already knew that the version of Reason I was installing had issues with the latest version. Although all is well because I installed the latest "update" that is compatible with theh new MacBooks and it works flawlessly!
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©

I miss blogging

Today was a very difficult day at work. I have been officially promoted to Sr.Ass.Man. as of yesterday if i recall correctly. That is abb. :o

Lives change we see the stories in a different light.

Reading the Book of Mormon has never had such meaning as it does now. I came to the understanding that we're to read it daily because as our ...

My manager told me today how greatfull he was that he could acomplish so much because of me. Ain't that cool!? Hehe.:o