Byebye! 4 now...

I love to return to my home... but I hate to leave it. :( Time to go back to work for another week and leave my home in the care of my family. Ahh....

// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


I tried calling you Sunday but you'd already gone to your moms. I was so disappointed. I also have another wonderful phone card for you that I bought last week that I still haven't gotten a chance to mail. It sitting next to my purse with every good intention of being mailed today. But no worrys we will soon be reunited again at least on the phone. :) And I just realized you probably won't even get this comment until you go to your dads again next weekend so this was basicly pointless. Oh well :)at least its documented that I miss talking to you.

5:58 AM  

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