
I'm still here, yes indeed. I love my new job. Working two jobs can be a bit of a ... struggle at times. But it's quite enjoyable as well. So many interesting things have happened. I'd love to talk about them all, but I have no time. No time as it is currently to do much of anything besides come home from work lie on my bed in my mums appartment and read Harry Potter for hours on end. Haha! I love Harry Potter! I've just realized how closely it resembles a novel form of some of the best anime out there. Very interesting indeed.

So, yeah, what's with this post you ask? Well, it's sort've a compressed bunch of thoughts just popping in my head so I can have a new post here. Why does it matter? Because I don't want you to think I have abandoned my blog. I have not. I have actually aquired a net-less PC to blog while away from the internet. That's cool and all, but it is not easy to transfer it to my other PC to upload it online. So... ah well.

I went to a birthday party today of a good friend. A lot of people showed up from the singles ward! I was suprised! It was awesome to see them all there in the relaxed atmosphere and I finally got to chat with quite a few of the cute girls. I really don't often get a chance during church - or maybe it's the fact I feel it odd to focus on anything other than lessons durring church. Hm...

That's all for now.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


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