...like... over a year. That's pretty amazing. No, not really. Thinking about how many people probably create and abandon blogs. Well good news! Mine is still here. I think about it a lot and how much history I could have recorded for myself and my family (and all you internet blog readers out there). So many things have happened, so many stories, adventures and wonders beyond galore!

Some people would say I have a life now. That's pretty sad thinking I say. Everyone has a life. And it's important. We're all important. We all learn and love. Some faster than others, and some... well anyway... Hello World... again. :-)

Good news. No. Great news! Glorious eternal news! I got married! Been married for almost a year. Going on a year, rather. Do I miss being single? Heaven no! My life feels so full and complete now. I remember before we were married, traveling cross country to see each other. Such heartache, so lonely. I'm so glad to have found the woman I was honestly searching for. She is amazing. I love her more than mere words can describe, well, at least in my humble ability to form such beautiful words.
"You just give it a year" I heard from people the first couple months. Tis almost a year and still going strong. In fact stronger than before and I doubt not, getting stronger.

I originally wanted to post about how much I miss my DS and my concern for such a trivial item but, nevertheless concerned. I know it'll be okay, but anyway I ran off on a tangent and here we are and now I need rest as much as I love to type. :-)


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