
I'd thought I make a quick post since I am trying to revive this blog and all...
I'm extremely happy with my life here. Indeed I am. Why? Because I want to be! That sounds silly, does it not? :-)

I like to be happy. I like to make myself happy and not need anyone or anything to do that. But, the truth is... I do use people and things around me to "make" myself happy. I think about them. The ones I love - my wife and loving family, even my cats... once in a while... :-) - and things! Such silly things as: Video games, comics, movies and great food! But then there are things such as my... well how do you describe this... inspirations? motivations? my awareness or way of being. Such as the teachings of my church, my gospel, the words of the Prophets of old and new. These things, and others like memories of my favorite moments in life; I hold dear and hold them close to me. I keep them just underneath my everyday thoughts at work and play so that I may pull them forward to inspire happiness within myself. I do it so that I may avoid pitfalls. And that I may constantly keep joy within that I may not drag my mind downward to that of places many people sadly are.

I love my life. I control my mind with the best of my abilities. I make life what I want it to be.

I don't know what I wanted to say, really. I just have so many plans. It truly can overwhelm. But it does not. I ... do not let it. Goodnight.


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