The Past week...

I almost didn't want to update my blog. But I also urged to update it. It seems to be somewhat of a trouble at times. All the preperation that goes into sorting out your thoughts - especially when you have lots to do and don't have a lot of time go about them. I suppose any update is better than nothing.

My father - I love him very much... it was his birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I was the only to give him a gift. I got home around 2am and he was waking up for work I couldn't wait and handed him his present and said happy birthday! Two shirts. MUCH needed shirts. He was wearing ripped up stained shirts before this. Just hasn't took the time to go out and buy some. He was wearing one of the shirts I bought him when we got back from church today. It looked nice on'm.
He was in a moody mood all day. "My birthdays always suck." When we were looking around the movie store for a FREE movie to rent, I went up to him with a smile with new movies "How about this one" He'd glance at it quickly and hand it back "I don't know anything about it..."
"Well' that's why you're supposed to read it." I said in a silly tone. He wasn't interested at all no matter how good the movie looked or sounded. He was aching for something that would make him laugh and ended up renting A Series of Unfortunate Events! I was hoping the movie would be more on the side of funny than "unfortunate"... it was a nice combo of both.

On the ride home from the video store my mother said...
"Your father hasn't been too happy today"
"I know, he wants to be that way, he's choosing to be that way. You can't force happyness on someone... just enjoy the day yourself and show him there is a possibility to be happy and he might follow."
My birthdays weren't all that spactacular! But I enjoyed them anyway! Stick your tounge out at the world (just for a moment) and be happy anyway!!!
That's the way I felt while I was with my dad today. I didn't tell him, I just showed him and my halfway intention worked. He suprised me by returning home with icecream, rootbeer and a nice cake! He was saying stuff like "Alright now we're going to have a celebration." hehehe
We started to watch the movie and it's a great movie! Yep that's all I'm gonna say. Well, except the baby in that movie was adorible! And the scenery was amazing... it was fake looking with a touch of real... or real with a touch of fake... hmm... anyway. My father had to sleep while we watched it. I hope he enjoys it. He seemed to enjoy the little he saw. He went to bed happy.

I visited the writer of that play. He was a very nice guy. We got along and he gave me some very good tips on playing guitar! When he explained a couple things that have pondered my mind I was flabbergasted! It was so easy and awesome to finally be able to pull off these techniques. It's actually been a week since I saw him and I've been practicing a blues chord he taught me. It's totally easy to do and sounds really good.
He informed me a few days ago that I am the core guy for composing the music. He liked the samples I sent'm and handed me the platter. This is awesome! And the fact when we were speaking in person, our minds really were on the same page. The only down side is that I have not been able to do anything yet except prepare my mind and play around with the guitar so far... while he has produced another three full song lyrics.

I'm going to purchase a laptop and a phone with wireless internet access. It's a blessing and a curse for me to be without my PC & the internet... hahah. It'll be so great, small, quiet and I'll be able to compose on-the-go. It's what I need and have wanted forever. I'm actually tempted to buy my fathers laptop from him... and he does want to sell his phone too... hmmmmm...

I'm going to be working a second job if all goes well. It pays well too... maybe I've made mention of this before. I found out that it actually pays more than what my friend gets working as an assistant in the AZ senate. Bit surprising... but I've got to work harder. heh, His job sounds more fun. hehe
But my new future boss is an extremely interesting guy! He always sounds so facinated with every little thing. It just brings a smile to my face because it's like a little child thinking "Oh wow" to all the new and interesting things around him. He's very polite and quite direct, but not in a mean way. I think I'll enjoy working for him.
Hmm, I have been becoming concerned with my health. I haven't noticed my eating patterns before when I didn't have to work. But now it seems I have only been eating two light meals a day. I feel fine. But I want to eat more healthy. All these free pizza's (even with veggies) don't seem that healthy. I miss juicing fresh fruit.

I really have been enjoying my time away from my father and brother. And not in a bad way because I really do wish I was there to help them out in more than one way. It's just that I haven't spent so much time with my mother in such a long time!!! I lived with my mother for about 18 years, my father then bought a house and I just couldn't resist to live in a house! It's wonderful to have a house. So many great things about it. Anyway, it's been nice to actually complete my thoughts. When I speak with my father, he'll usually cut me off before I get to finish and he'll add onto what I am saying or "correct" me. With my mother, I get to just jabber on about anything and everything she'll listen and respond... but she won't always get my point. But at least I don't get criticized for it. I'm very philisophical (did I spell that right? hehe).

At church - I went to the singles ward - we had a munch-and-mingle afterwards and played a silly game. I really enjoyed it and I was obviously invited to FHE (family home evening) after as well. Although, I work durring that time, the girl mentioned that they often play volleyball for hours afterwards and I miss playing volleyball. So I hope to make it - if I feel up to it.
Also while at church - my friend who I formerly worked with noticed me come in (or her friend pointed me out to her) and her head FLUNG around with a big smile! She looked not once, but twice (that I noticed). After the meeting was over she came over and said something along the lines of "You scared me half to death" and other sorts of simular things - repeating herself more than once. I told her, "I didn't come to..." (I almost said 'see you', but I thought that would sound rude) so I finised, "...scare you, I just wanted to come to church." It was a big deal in her head. I guess because I forgot she was going to come over and hand deliver her birthday invitation to me. So instead it was like I was coming to her for the invitation. I told her that I forgot and she seemed a bit insulted and gave me a fake "air slap" for it. hehe
On a side note, there are a lot of really cool and interesting people at the singles ward. I think I'm going to change wards - finally once and for all!

One more thing I just remembered! I voted this week?... Last week? Whenever! I voted recently and it was an awesome experiance. I forgot about it and my father called my work and my boss was nice enough to let me go and vote! (wether she did or not I would have went anyway, hehe) The drive over to vote was so fun because it felt like forever since we talked and we were chatting about lots of different recent events - jumping from one topic to another from one sentance to the next. It felt like a mini family reunion.
Anyway, it was the first poll for us to provide proof of ID before you're allowed to vote. It didn't cause any problems anywhere. Everyone there was very kind - they're always keen on the younger voters it seems. It's true too... it's really sad how many people out there seem to not care about voting - it's so important! I wish the younger people would realize this. And on my way out the woman said to me
"I remember you from last time. When was the last time you voted?" with a smile
"I voted during the last presidential election." (that was my first time voting)
She said, "Oh how great! I want to shake your hand." and she did. It was very interesting, I do not know exactly why she wanted to shake my hand, but it was very friendly. hehe
And even while I did vote and it was a very plesent experiance, I thought that my vote would have made a larger impact than it did. I guess there are too many people out there who are dumbed down by the media - or typical viewpoints programmed into us by schooling or whatever. I was actually in the minority side of the vote. And there didn't seem to be many people voting! So I thought I would have a greater impact. Ah well, I wish I put out a rally or something to sway things a little.
When I returned to work - the FIRST thing that popped out of my "boss's" mouth was "What's with you a voting?" My mouth dropped... I repsonded "What's with you and NOT voting?" And the was the end of the conversation. haha, but I seriously wanted a response. He's barely older than me.

On a final note... our home is still a disaster zone. I hate it... my father hates it. It's one of the main sources for his frustration. He wants me to help out, but I cannot. It really sucks. I want to help out on my days off work but they're not up to it or we're busy doing something else.
The dishes just got washed finally - after two weeks - today because of me. I don't want one of my favorite places in the house turn into a garbage pit. My brother needs to go to work - work on that disipline again. I've only been working for three weeks now and I've noticed a HUGE change in additude on doing "chores".

On a better final note! Roy Masters' has released THREE of his books for FREE on his web site (check link on the right - Foundation of Human Understanding)!! I was going to buy these books!! This is awesome! I can't wait to read'm.

This small intended update ended up larger than I ...intended.
'till next week, goodnight and don't let bad memories haunt you.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


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