I start my 2nd job tomorrow.

Wahoo? I think so. I hope so. It's good pay and a fairly easy.

I'm going to get a Cellphone and my drivers license soon too. I'll be able to drive my self around anywhere I'd like to go.

Saturday morning I went with an old friend and my brother to go see Ultra Violet! It was totally cool. A very stylish simple plot action movie. I loved it, my brother had problems with things in the story and our friend thought it was very cool too.
My brother also rented the Wallace and Gromit movie! It was awesome! After watching this movie I realized how poor Ultra Violet really is... although I still like it. Anyway, Wallace and Gromit is the kind of movie I can watch over and over and over! It's so cute and strange and funny. The last movie I wore out was The Emperor's New Groove. hehe
I was not a fan of the Wallace and Gromit movies or series or whatever it was previously. I think that's the reason why I had trouble getting used to the first 10 minutes of the movie... it was just .... strange. But it progressively became better and better throughout the movie. Which you don't often see in comedy movies...

It looks like I'm only going to get about 5 hours of sleep before work today. That's not good... first day on the job and very little sleep. I'll be fine.

Ah, that girl I mentioned before about her wanting to have more friends and I wanted to talk to her, but didn't. Well I saw her at church today at the singles ward! It suprised me because I didn't expect her there. Immediately when I saw her my eyes lit up and I shouted "Hi!" (I guess it's the whole job aditude thing that is getting me to act on what I think). She waved and said "hey" back. After I went to class and sat down she came up beside me and asked if my mother was going to sit next to me (she saw me talking to her in the hall) and if she could sit. Of course she could... I said "My mom is going to a different class" and I nodded.

"So what's up?" she said.
I shrugged - being my usual response to most people - I didn't want to end it there so I continued... "uhm" and talked about some recent events.

I think it was the most we have talked in a couple years.

After years of just passing by and briefly glancing at her or a short one sentance conversation, it was interesting to sit right next to her and just talk about stuff.

More later.... NO TIME!!!
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


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