Long time, many thoughts.

To my only reader. HI! Long time no chat, indeedy. My job has been keeping me very busy and very away from my PC. So... why haven't I called? Well I usually get home late and I don't want to wake you. I don't know what your current life style is. I'm thinking I might call you Sunday or Monday just to see what's up. I was supposed to have today off work, but my o-so-nice boss let me work today!
Earyler in the week I saw my schedual and thought "Darnit, they've taken away some of my hours because I worked so much last week." But, I also thought that maybe they would schedual me on a day I wasn't originally schedualed. And it happened!
The funniest thing at work happened today! I don't think it would translate correctly if I wrote it, and I don't have a lot of time to write anyway - I need to wash me clothes and go to sleep! But, it was so funny! My eyes were watery and I couldn't work for a minute... I just sat there and laughed so hard!

Since my job is located a while away from my house I have been spending many nights at my mothers home to save gas and time. It's been nice to be away from the PC - focus on other things - like my guitar! I have been practicing everyday - following a book... still on excersize 1! But at least I figured out how to play the C scale on guitar. hehe
On the flip side - It sucks to be away from my house because I can't help my dad and brother on remodeling our bathroom. It's driving my dad nuts and I asked him some questions about it before he left for work and he snapped at me "If you're not working on it - you don't have a say in it!" OOk. I thought. Then I talked to my brother about the issue and he started to get upset.... "If it's not done HIS way then I don't have an opinion on it!"
"Then do it his way."
"I can't because (I'm sleeping all day)".
"So, don't get angry about it."
"How? You can't do that unless your a mindless robot."
"Yes you can. Don't react to him."

................. He doesn't believe me.

I stepped inbetween an argument of two strangers a few weeks ago. It was a young man (older than me) and an old woman (deffinitely older than me). The young guy, I'll call him "Mullet" went right up to the old womans face, I'll call her "Witch", and shook his finger at her, yelling and cursing about her stealing something from him. I just stood afar listening. And Witch was suprizingly snapping back at him!! This little old lady... had a BIG additude problem. She seemed to think she was invincible by the choice of words she was using...

"I feel like quitting because of you, you old hag!!"
"Fine! Go ahead!"

Mullet kept walking away and then returning to her face a couple times and I was seriously getting concerned because when you point your finger RIGHT in another persons face... you're ready to hit them. So on his next walk away another woman, err... I'll call'er "biker chick", said to the man "Yeah, Just keep on walking buddy". Now this is the sort of thing that kept Mullet going right back to Witch! She would react to what he said, yell at him as he walks away, "oh no!" mullet thinks... "I'm getting the final word!" They both wanted to be right. And he was progressively getting more angry.

"Uh oh" I thought to my self... now I must say, I was extremely calm and focused durring the entire incident up to this point (and beyond). The whole situation was just silly. And I honestly felt they were both in the wrong. They were both extremely emotional - and now a bystanding woman has sided with the woman. Not that it's wrong of her to try and assist the supposed weaker one - sure physically, yes - but they were both reacting just the same. They were both wrong from my view. But now the man is being ganged up on and that could make'm feel even more angry... so I slowly walked over to Witch while I had the chance and told her calmly with my hands up... "Miss... please, stop. Just stop antaganizing him."
"He's crazy!" she said with a horrible face. In that moment it was as if I could see the real woman within her... I've seen her around before but I've never talked to her... she seemed nice... but in this moment... all that "niceness" was gone - just a face for everyone.
And I walked away. That's all I wanted to say to her and to show the man he was not alone. And they confronted no more durring the time I was there.
That's not a smart thing to do - what I did. If it were to young punks I wouldn't care. But it was different - it was an old woman and a young guy. They needed to stop. And as I watched it was as if I could see through it all. I've seen these arguments happen before in my own home. And I could understand EXACTLY where these two where coming from. So I handled it the way I have in my own home. But it seemed to have a bigger impact coming from a stranger. I hope those two are a-ok now.

Back to my job...
Everyday I come home and my hands smell like a mixture of meats and veggies... it's odd. I guess I could wear gloves. But, they're not the right type of gloves for cooking...

The next Elder Scrolls game is coming out this month! I can't wait to buy it. I'm a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls series.

Things in the play I may help compose a score for are progressing very quickly. It's quite amazing and I should be going to meet my fellow composers in person this week. The writer is producing very quality works very fast. He believes he is being inspired by God. Could be, but I think he's being inspired by scripture. Either case, I'm really getting excited about this. He has even offered to teach me some nice tips on playing guitar.

Ah! Even though I forgot to bring my notes of blog thoughts... I seemed to remember a lot from my major happenings the past few weeks.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


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