I got an invitation to assist composing a play about the life of Jesus!
My favorite place in my house is clean - The kitchen!
My pay check should be coming soon!
And I get free food! (I just love throwing that in there)

Big boss man came into work today. I've been hearing about him ALL week. Especially when my managers would tell me "Don't do it this way - big boss man would yell at your for it!" Well, it turned out he didn't! He was a very considerate nice and helpful man! He even complimented my works more than once. But, IT happened... I made a mistake. He came over to me and very gently told me "You've gotta do it this way because..." I was like "Oh, ok, no problem!" I was told to "do it this way" before, but never recieved the explaination why. So, now I shall. It seems things stick out in your mind a little more clear when you know the "why". It's easy to forgoe little details when you're in a hurry. Even he didn't follow everything to a "T". Anyway, big boss man was a cool guy.

My Grandmother called to congratulate me on my new job. I've been wanting to call and thank her for the card she sent me for my birthday. It is a great card. I love it. ..."where is it?" *looks around* ... "AH! I lost it!" ... "Ah! I found it!" hehe
It says: "All about GRANDSONS. On BIRTHDAYS, some get neckties, some get cakes, some get kisses, some get shakes, some get parties, some get cheers... but YOU get nicer through the years! Happy Birthday, Grandson! Love you always, your Grandmother."

On the drive home I got into a disscussion with my mom on the "worth" of a person. I was reading to her one of my favorite books when we got to a standstill when the author mentioned a person's "net worth" and "THIS man is worth billions of dollars". She doesn't like the sound of "oh, that man is worth millions of dollars". I personnally don't have a problem with it because... he is. Although, I can clearly see the difference that a single person is priceless. If that person had millions of dollars, yes you can "assign" a price value TO them. Because it's true, they are worth millions - in material items or cash. Lets say that the million dollar person was sued and all their millions was taken away. Now they are WORTH NOTHING... in material possesions! It doesn't change the fact that THAT human being, full of ideas, personality, unique traits and creativity - being a millionaire or a hundredaire *laughs* - is priceless.

Just because a person can be deemed "worth millions" doesn't mean the person is "worth nothing" if they do not have millions of dollars. That's obvious! And we see it everyday when other people go out of their way to risk their own life to save anothers. What I don't get is how can a person clearly see this fact and yet still be insulted when another human being will say "Oh, you're worth nothing because you have nothing". Why would that matter if you KNOW that is not true. *shugs*.....

More later on composing the play as I get the details... if I agree to do it, that is.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©