Ah! I Want That Dog!!!

I had a dream this afternoon before heading off to church. In the dream I was coming out of a church building carrying an open box of things I wasn't too sure of. I was concerned about getting to my ride in the pouring rain. Before I reached the mini-van I set the box on the ground and hopped inside the van. It was then I realized I left my dog IN the box OUT in the rain!! I hopped back outside and grabbed my dog and ran back to the van. I felt so sorry for leaving this cute little white and fuzzy dog out there. How could I forget?! It was shivering in my arms as I cuddled it to help it warm up. I felt it's mouth brush my forarm as it tucked it's head under it. It was so soft and warm and cute and fuzzy and little!
The dream was very vivid and I have kept thinking about that dog all day...

The BEST pizza in Arizona - hands down! Raphael's Pizza! Real Itallian pizza! It tasted like REAL pizza. My dad heard a commercial for it on the radio and decided the other day we should go check it out. We barely found the place because it's quite hidden and a very small resturaunt. After pushing past the rather old used and abused door I approached the counter and I see two young people and two old people. The old people were cooking the food, they looked Itallian too. And young man with a husky/raspy voice comes up to us and my father goes about his usual questions and jokes at news places, including "If this food isn't any good, we know where you work! *laughs*" hahah. He was questioning whether that was a bad idea after we left.
We got an all pepperoni, half onion, half olive large pizza. Two of the huge slices was enough for me. It was delicious and I didn't feel weird afterwards like I would after eating a lot of Pizza Hut pizza.

My friend got back from his Austrialia mission this week. It was good to see him again and we chatted for a bit. I could hear a slight accent in his voice! And a few people at church were teasing him about it. hehe
I remember the testimony he shared in the Elders quorum before he left - and after hearing his testimony after two years of missionary work - wow. There's a big difference, and I thought he had a very good testimony at the beginning.

My brother found two really cool free MMORPGs! One is Shot-Online, a free golf based MMORPG and the other is FlyFF (Fly For Fun) which is a hack 'n slasher. Maybe more on them later.

My new job... well it's not official - yet. I have to go in tomorrow and fill out some more paperwork and then it shall be. They are only going to work me two days a week - which sucks. Ah, well. It's better than nothing. I don't think I'll work there very long. But I need something now, so it'll do. I just need something to get me started - I have better options in the future.

I've been avoiding my IM proggies.
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