Sunday Events

My father is becoming increasingly angry with my brother lately for his lack of action. My brother was awake all night learning misc. programming languages and forced himself to go to church. And while I was out helping my dad a little with the house work he said "Go get your brother out here. I don't want any excuses, he should be helping us." I knew he wasn't coming out because on the way out of my home I heard he was going to sleep. Yes, he should help out more, but not when he's rediculously tired. And he has helped out around the house... just not enough in my father's view. o_O

Well the 40 hour download of the Everquest 2 trial was worth it! I played for a few hours today - I originally wanted to sample it - but I couldn't stop playing! Instantly it reminded me of my favorite MMORPG, Ryzom. After playing it for a while I noticed quite a few other MMORPG games it reminded me of such as, Guild Wars, Anarchy Online, Runescape, Phantasy Star Online and a couple of the free ones. So far (I'm still on newbie island) it's been a very fun MMORPG... my new favorite! I never thought I'd enjoy the infamous "Everquest". It has a lot of great elements that make it simple to play with a bit of strategy. It also has beautiful graphics - even though the characters look kind of ugly, like early CG work, which I enjoy because I remember the days when I thought "Oh I can't wait until videogames look like that when you play them!". The only downside thusfar is the lack of players on the server. It felt empty, like I was playing a Singleplayer game even though I see some players running by me once in a while. It feels like a disconnected connectedness. If that makes any sense. Each person to their own. Doing their own thing... just another leveling game. But, what I enjoyed so much about the MMORPG Ryzom is the world! It was just so fun to wander around, explore, harvest and fight the interesting creatures. And that's why I like this game so much, so far. It feels the same way... I just enjoy exploring the world! The added bonus was the community was very friendly! I'm hoping it will remain the same when I get off of newb isle.

Today in church I had a sense of urgency and seriousness to get my patriarical blessing, and soon. I think it was the most serious I've ever felt at church. Maybe it was more of a "focusing". I felt very calm, sure and dedicated. It seems everytime after church I want to meditate, rest and relax. I always stay in the car outside my house for a few minutes and think - about the lessons about my current plans and whatever else crosses my mind. It is very relaxing.

Our home teacher came over today without his companion, he couldn't get in contact with him. That's no biggie to me. I always enjoy having our home teacher over. He's a very nice and cool guy. I feel sorry for him in one way because my father likes to talk a lot and so he'll get around to telling a long story or just expressing himself and our home teacher will just sit there and patiently listen to him. It seems we always make him late for his next home teaching session. hehe, but come to think of it, he's the only person that comes inside our house! We must be starving for visitors. haha

I didn't end up talking to that girl I had a dream about. I kept thinking... "What was it I wanted to tell her?" And then I got distracted by the lesson... well, more likely I was being distracted by thinking about her. She is a very pretty girl. She glanced over at me quite a bit, but maybe it was because I was looking at her so often. heh

Always another day.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©