First Day On The Job

It was slightly faster pased than I first anticipated and yet remained fun. I was basically getting used to how things are run. The day after coming out of orientation and I realized a simple - but noteworthy - fact. A lot of the people sway from the rules... just a tad. It was funny. I felt almost like fresh meat who just recieved proper training and it was my job to remind everyone else how things were to be done.
But, at the same time I still have a lot to memorize in order to do the job without anyone elses assistance. The first hour was a bit "whoa". The next few hours were quite easy and I was thinking "I'll have this down in no time". hehehe
The managers (note: there were four in the same store!...) have a very cool special privilege. They could title their name-tags with cool nicks like Cracker and Big Dog! Heh, I want to become a manager just for that! haha
It still appears that there is not too much required by the job. And yet, all these simple things are SO IMPORTANT to run things smoothly and make the customer happy.
The managers definitely have a laid-back fun attitude while working. I saw quite a few humorous incidents I won't mention here - on my first day. The manager said a couple times "Hey, we should set a good example here for the new guy on his first day! *laughs*"

My brother started learning the BASIC programming language. He let me glance through it and I could see it's simplicity and simularities compared to C++ programming. He wants to start programming some simple Atari style games and go from there. I think it's a great idea - but I'm more geared towards learning Flash game programming. It seems quite capible of doing a lot with nice flashy graphics. I guess that's why they called it Flash. heh

On the way to work today I was thinking about an old story idea I haven't fully fleshed out and I thought up some more ideas as well as a way to connect this story to two seperate stories! I'm really excited about the idea of turning them into a trilogy.

Lindt 70% dark chocolate is the best!
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


Congrats!! I'm glad your first day was a good one and I hope all the ones that follow are just as good.

Loads of Love,
Miss M

11:33 PM