That's what I heard my father say over the phone after hearing three distinct "tink" sounds. The following moment of silence was steadily becoming scary.

"Dad?... Dad? ...Dad?!"

After getting no response I started to get worried. My emotions started to overtake me - and this doesn't happen often. I was nowhere near to be considered out of control, but it was enough that I decided take back my mind and calm myself down.

He was called out on a job site yesterday and got to keep it the following two days - if the site was still open - and it happened to be.
I didn't know where he was located. All I knew, it was somewhere in Scottsdale.

I thought to myself,
"What could I do if he was hurt? If I didn't get a response soon I would call the police and give them his cell number and hope they can track it somehow."
But, I had a stronger hope that if my father was hurt he would have enough ability to help himself out.

I hear a bit of shuffling and a second later he said,
"Some kids just shot my car with a paintball gun, ... I'll call you back."

I was nervous. What if it wasn't a paintball gun? No, it had to be. My father is a smart and observant man. And so I waited in a nervous fear and prayed to my Heavenly Father to help protect and assist him in this moment. Then I thought I'd give him five minutes and call back.

I did and the phone was busy. He was probably calling the police about the incident.

Under ten minutes later he called back. It was the case. He chased the funkers down and got their plate number - he told me they looked scared as he was driving right along side their car and looking into their eyes - called the cops and went back to the site.

I hope the cops confiscate their paintball gun. These guns hit hard and have a huge possibility for causing a lot of damage. They're not toys to be played with in this manner. I hope the cops fine'm or put'm in jail for a night for damaging property. As well as scaring the hell outta me - but that's ok because now there's only Heaven left. :-)

A lot went through my mind in these few short moments. I'm glad it's all ok.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©