No More Uh Oh?

It could be so! The other day my mother called me and said her boss was freaking out because he is the only cook currently. What does that mean? It means he needs cooks and quickly! Supposedly I was "un-officially officially" hired the other day. Today I went in to fill out the application and everything should be on it's way soon. I'd prefer to work at the initial business that called - they pay more and it's closer to me - but, it's ok. Now it's all about who's faster at hiring! hehe

Is this a "the meaning of life" question?
What's more dangerous and why?

1) A 9mm handgun. Cocked and fully loaded.
2) A pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

They're both inanimate objects - A reasonble mind can look at a gun and know it's dangerous.
Obvious answer: The gun is an immediate danger - A cigarette is a long term danger.
Not so obvious answer: It is the impulse that moves the hand, that is the real danger. What is it that drives a person to pickup a gun... to smoke a cigarette? The impulse.

How does this answer the meaning of life? I dunno, you think about it.


I started a 14 day trial of the online MMORPG (massively multi-player online roleplaying game) EVE Onilne the other day and I played a few hours today. It's quite a fascinating game - It appears to be a very social game. I like the analogy on the web site:

"One could compare this to the difference between a playground, such as EVE, and a theme park, which would be the traditional MMOG. In a playground you have access to different kinds of toys and rides, and you are allowed to use your own imagination to figure out how to create games you enjoy. In a theme park all the rides have been created for you and are either good or bad by design. The playground clearly offers more freedom but it requires you to think and be an active participant, while the theme park has taken those responsibilities away from you and you can just go with the flow."

As well as being fascinating, it's enjoyably simple in gameplay, but in terms of depth of features and exploration, it's quite complex! It's a good combination.

I'm really enjoying my haircut.
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