Birthday Eve!

Hmm... I turn 23 tomorrow and I'm now making this my official blog. I like the interface better and I have more options here.

For my birthday my mom let me go on a $20-ish shopping spree! haha, it was fun. I went to my favorite entertainment store to browse the selection of goods. And it just so happens everything appears lackluster - well, anything within a $20 price range. hehe
After running around to all my favorite sections of the store I was mentally choosing possible final choices. I ended up with three items in my hands. A videogame, a movie and an album.

1) Painkiller Black Limited Edition DVD - Awesome video game I've wanted for a very long time.
2) Children of Heaven - Wonderful, adorible foriegn film!
3) Morcheeba album - Great new downtempo band I discovered!

I went with the game because I've seen the movie and heard the music before. The game was new and would provide me with more hours of entertainment in the way of being a controlable movie with lots of new heavy metal music. hehehe

As of writing this blog I recieved a I.M. greeting from a friend I met on the Internet from another friend. She wants to make ammends with her friend. But from the sound of it, she didn't even know she had to. I don't want to get into the details right now. I just need to remember to make mention of this to my friend.

I could be a puppy owner soon! I'm talkin' with someone who's dog just had 11 puppies! A part labrador/mix. I would love to have a pet dog. I've wanted to have one for such a long time. But, I'm truely ready to have one now. I guess that sounds silly when you're turning 23 but I've matured slowly in some respects. Mainly... self disipline. (and I was studying various forms of martial arts in the beginning of my life... go figure)
So, when the owners replied to my e-mail and offered to send pictures, I gladly responded

"Yes I would love that! Send the pictures please, but no nude pups (haha)." in a joking manner.

And it so happens I didn't get a response the following two days. I was thinking that they're either getting the dogs dressed up for the pictures or they didn't like my joke. So today I sent another email asking about the pictures once again and clarifying my joke about the puppies, because puppies, as far as I know don't have fur when they're born. I thought it was funny.
I got a response later that evening. They told me that they sent the pictures and didn't get the address correct! That's what I get for having a silly e-mail address. *whew* I still have a chance here. hehe

A few days ago I truley felt so peaceful in my own home. I believe it was the first time I felt more peaceful inside my home compared to how I usually am more peaceful outside. Before this I had moments of stillness in certain areas of my home and only at certain times. But, I think it has something to do with a fan. I'll investigate this further.

The change of my blog signifies a change in my life. I'm changing for the better. I'm going to make myself wealthy enough to live at a comfortable level where I have the ability to use my time to help others where I can. What do I want to do with my life? I'm not entirely sure. But I have a few routes planned to travel.

Until later... this is Sum Yuhn Gai's Life.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©


Happy Birthday!!

12:37 AM  

Thank you!!!

8:26 AM