Birthday Endings...

I've been using my brothers Wacom tablet on my PC again because his USB port burned out. It's SO nice. It feels so natural and easy to use compared to a typical mouse. It's a joy to use the PC this way. And the best news is that when my brother buys a bigger, better one he'll let me have his old small tablet. Yay!

I went to Hollywood Video today to get a free movie rental for my birthday! I walked all around the new releases for something I've been wanting to see and I came across George A. Romero's Land of the Dead. I usually like to rent movies that I'm not sure I want to purchase, so this one I had mixed feelings on - even though I enjoy zombie movies - I wasn't sure if I wanted to own it. I'll probably buy it eventually because I really did enjoy it. It's definitely a crazy zombie movie! It had a lot of funny moments and a lot of gruesome ones too. It always feels wierd to laugh at something that is so over the top but still shocking. While watching the movie there was a line said by John Leguizamo; Something about pulling a Jihad on the corporate guy. It made me think of real-life terrorism and I recalled the moment when I watched some terrorists literally saw off Nick Berg's head with a machete. I watched it because I wanted to see what they were capable of as well as to see if it was real. It didn't make me sick... but I've never felt such an almost un-controllable un-easy, nervousness and anger for such a period of time before. The video quality wasn't great, but you could make out enough details to see what was happening. I don't even want to think about it. But, everytime I do, I'm amazed at how stupid humans can be and are. It's so disturbing how blind these people are.

My father kept apologizing to me all day. He felt sorry that he cannot afford a gift for me on my birthday. And actually this has been one of my most enjoyable birthdays. I didn't do anything special or out of the ordinary. I think I feel this way partly because of my own personal accomplishments as well as just enjoying the simple things I have received from my friends and family. I really like the fact I feel a little wiser at the beginning of my birthday as opposed to the end. My official celebration will be on Sunday with brownies and ice-cream!

Painkiller is a-w-e-s-o-m-e. It reminds me of the days before I had a computer and the reason why I wanted one. ie: Doom. hehe

...I got balloons too. :-) -_^ - Thank you all my friends and family (my Grandmother just called to wish me a happy birthday!) for contributing to my birthday - adding to my happyness with the little things you do.

On a final note - My uncle from Oregon just called as I was about to shut-down my PC. I thought he was calling to wish me a happy birthday, turns out he just wanted someone to talk too. It was good to speak to him again because last time he called - about 4 months ago - he wanted my father to call him back and we didn't have his number. I felt bad about that. But I got his number this time!
He once again offered me a job because I, as of yet, lack one. He wants to start a turbocharger business. I know nothing about turbochargers. He told me that he'll teach me about'm and let me run the whole business. I thought, cool, this is exactly what I want; to run a business. It really doesn't matter what the business is, as long as I make it successfull. Plus, if I assume correctly, I want to get into car modding (hint: movie, Fast and the Furious) and I think turbochargers are in that catagorey.
But on the flip-side. I get a feeling he just wants an income without having to do much work. I don't blame him. I think my father wants the same thing. I don't mind working, I just don't want to be a slave. Not that I would be.

If I run a business, I'm going to run the business.
// SygLyfe - A signature of life // ©